In accordance with the decision of the Faculty of International Relations Academic Officials at the University of Economics in Bratislava, and with the aim of indexing the proceedings in foreign databases, only contributions written in English will be accepted.

When preparing a scientific article, it is important to carefully review the guidelines for authors and adhere to them.

A recommended structure for a scientific article includes: title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, JEL classification, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.

Title of the article: The title should be concise, accurate, and attractive. Long titles should be avoided.

Author(s) (maximum of three): Please provide the name and surname of the author(s).

Workplace/University: Please provide the faculty, university, complete address, country, and e-mail of the author.

Abstract: Please provide a brief summary of the article with a length of approximately 150 words. Please indicate the research problem, methods used, results obtained, and conclusion.

Keywords: Please provide up to 30 words.

JEL classification: Please provide the JEL classification: 

We suggest the following instructions for authors:

Introduction: Introduce and explain the issue addressed in the contribution, the objectives of the contribution, the method of solving the research questions, and the research methods that will be used.

Introduction/evaluation of existing/available literature on the given topic (can also be part of the introduction).

Results/individual chapters/discussion: Present the results of the researched project/topic.

Figures and tables: Follow the instructions for authors.

Conclusion: In addition to summarizing the results of the solved problem, explain how and where the results of the scientific work can be used and implemented.

References: citing and referencing the literature - Follow the instructions for authors.

Instructions for authors here

One author can either have a maximum of one contribution in the proceedings and another contribution in co-authorship, or two contributions in co-authorship