Fakulta medzinárodných vzťahov Ekonomickej univerzity v Bratislave Vás s radosťou pozýva na 21. ročník medzinárodnej vedeckej konferencie doktorandov a mladých vedeckých pracovníkov  Ekonomické, politické a právne otázky medzinárodných vzťahov 2022, ktorá sa bude konať v dňoch 3. a 4. júna 2022 vo Virte.

Faculty of International Relations University of Economics in Bratislava have the honour to invite you to 21st International Scientific Conference of Doctoral Students and Young Scholars Economic, Political and Legal Issues of International Relations 2022, which will take place on 3 – 4th of June 2022 in Virt.

The conference proceedings International Relations: Current Issues of the World Economy and Politics has been published annually by the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava since 2000. The 2000 – 2004 and 2006 editions are available in print form in the Library of the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava, Dolnozemská cesta 1 /b, 4th floor, No. A4.04. The rest of the proceedings is accessible on the following website: https://fmv.euba.sk/en/science-and-research/conferences/proceedings-archive/international-relations-current-issues-of-world-economy-and-politics

Under editorial supervision, the proceedings are prepared for publication on the website of the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava according to the instructions of the Slovak Economic Library, Academic Officials of the Faculty of International Relations and the International Scientific Committee.

Organizational Instructions and Fees

We would like to inform all participants and authors that the publication of their contributions in the proceedings is conditional on their submission in English.

Instructions for authors, the license agreement, and the submission template can be found at: https://lnk.sk/nviw

The submission deadline is no later than 15th October 2023.

The schedule of conference presentations will be published after the registration closes.

Registration is available at: https://forms.office.com/e/MA6RgmDVHL

The registration deadline is 15th October 2023.

The participation fee is € 250.00 (including VAT).

Account Number: IBAN SK47 8180 0000 0070 0008 0671


Bank Name: Štátna pokladnica (State Treasury)

Variable Symbol: 2310500120

Message to Recipient: Please enter the name of the participant.

For Non-EU Participants:


Bank Name: VUB, a.s., Mlynské Nivy, 829 90 Bratislava

Important Notes:

  • Cancellation of participation is only possible through email or letter until 20th October 2023.
  • If a participant fails to cancel or only partially participates in the conference, the participation fee will not be refunded.
  • For transportation information, please click here: CLICK HERE

License Agreement:

The license agreement must be submitted electronically in Word format and physically signed before being sent by post. Please note that the postal submission must include a valid postcode. Please send the signed agreement to the following address:

Olga Stropkovičová

Faculty of International Relations

University of Economics in Bratislava

Dolnozemská cesta 1/b

852 35 Bratislava 5

Slovak Republic


All submissions will undergo a review process. The collection of contributions will be submitted to Web of Science for evaluation.

The proceedings from the International Relations conferences held in Smolenice in 2012 (English version), 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, and 2018 have been registered in the Web of Knowledge/Web of Science database. Proceedings from the years 2019, 2020, and 2021 are currently being evaluated for inclusion in the WOS and SCOPUS databases.

Copyrights are laid down in accordance with the principles set out in the Act No 185/2015 Coll. On copyright law, as amended. Providing a contribution to the conference proceedings is free of charge and there is no legal entitlement for publishing the article in the conference proceedings. One author can either have a maximum of one contribution in the proceedings and another contribution in co-authorship, or two contributions in co-authorship.

The author, who sent the article to the editors of International Relations: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics declares that:

  • the article is the result of the author‘s creative scientific activity and is subject to copyright (all submitted articles will be checked for plagiarism using the EtxtAntiplagiarism software),
  • has full authority from all co-authors to deal with the article,
  • agrees to the editorial process in the journal International Scientific Conference International Relations: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics and, upon acceptance of the article, to its publication, including registration of the article in all databases in which the journal International Scientific Conference International Relations: Current Issues of World Economy and Politics is currently indexed or will be indexed in the future,
  • the article has not been published elsewhere once it was accepted, nor will it be offered for publication elsewhere,
  • the list of authors of the article includes all persons who significantly participated in it,
  • the list of authors of the article does not include persons who did not significantly contribute in it,
  • the article correctly quotes all sources and does not contain passages and ideas taken without citing the source,
  • the content of the article is based on actual research,
  • the article lists sources of research funding, if any,
  • none of the authors has a conflict of interest in relation to the content of the article.

The license agreement is available here

Contributions submitted by email are evaluated by the editor-in-chief to determine if they meet the level, substantive, and formal requirements for publication. If the contributions meet the conference organizer's and the proceedings publisher's requirements, the chairman of the International Scientific Committee appoints two reviewers. If the contributions do not meet these requirements, they are rejected and returned to the author. The author is informed that they may address the formal deficiencies and resubmit the contribution.

The peer review process for all contributions, while maintaining mutual anonymity, is governed by the reviewer's code of ethics, which stipulates the following:

  1. Evaluate articles objectively based solely on their scientific quality.
  2. Acknowledge that reviews are anonymous on both sides.
  3. Keep the content of reviewed articles confidential.
  4. Prepare a peer review personally and without unnecessary delay.

The reviewers will also evaluate compliance with author guidelines, compliance with copyright, and ensure that the contribution is not plagiarism.

At the end of the peer review process, the reviewers will evaluate the assessed contribution and provide feedback on whether to:

  • Publish the contribution in its current version.
  • Publish the contribution after minor modifications.
  • Publish the contribution after significant revisions.
  • Reject the contribution.

The final decision on whether to accept or reject the paper is sent to the author along with the reviewers' recommendations.

Reviewers are required to assess each submission based on its intellectual content without considering the authors' race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy. The decision to accept or reject a paper for publication should be based on the paper's importance, originality, and comprehensibility, as well as its relevance to the conference's aim and focus.

In accordance with the decision of the Faculty of International Relations Academic Officials at the University of Economics in Bratislava, only contributions written in English will be accepted.

When preparing a scientific article, it is important to carefully review the guidelines for authors and adhere to them.

A recommended structure for a scientific article includes: title, author(s), affiliation(s), abstract, keywords, JEL classification, introduction, methods, results, discussion, conclusions, and references.

Title of the article: The title should be concise, accurate, and attractive. Long titles should be avoided.

Author(s) (maximum of three): Please provide the name and surname of the author(s).

Workplace/University: Please provide the faculty, university, complete address, country, and e-mail of the author.

Abstract: Please provide a brief summary of the article with a length of approximately 150 words. Please indicate the research problem, methods used, results obtained, and conclusion.

Keywords: Please provide up to 30 words.

JEL classification: Please provide the JEL classification: http://www.aeaweb.org/econlit/jelCodes.php?view=jel 

We suggest the following instructions for authors:

Introduction: Introduce and explain the issue addressed in the contribution, the objectives of the contribution, the method of solving the research questions, and the research methods that will be used.

Introduction/evaluation of existing/available literature on the given topic (can also be part of the introduction).

Results/individual chapters/discussion: Present the results of the researched project/topic.

Figures and tables: Follow the instructions for authors.

Conclusion: In addition to summarizing the results of the solved problem, explain how and where the results of the scientific work can be used and implemented.

References: citing and referencing the literature - Follow the instructions for authors.

Instructions for authors here

One author can either have a maximum of one contribution in the proceedings and another contribution in co-authorship, or two contributions in co-authorship

In processing the collection International Relations: Current Issues of the World Economy and Politics, we are committed to maintaining high standards of ethical behaviour throughout the publishing process. Our ethical standards establish general expectations for authors, reviewers, editors, and publishers. Authors submitting their manuscripts are required to disclose any potential conflicts of interest that could unduly influence the presentation, evaluation, and publication of their work. Reviewers are expected to objectively evaluate the contribution based solely on its scientific quality. Objectivity is also ensured by the anonymity of the author-reviewer relationship. The editors evaluate the fulfilment of formal and content criteria and are responsible for preparing the proceedings for publication. The publisher undertakes to ensure the publication of the collection and to address any unethical behavior by any actor involved in the publishing process.

The Code of Conduct of the collection International Relations: Current Issues of the World Economy and Politics represents a set of publication ethics rules for all participating actors, including authors, editors, reviewers, and publishers. The purpose of this policy is to prevent unfair practices in the publication process and ensure that the collection meets the necessary quality criteria for scientific research outputs. Additionally, it outlines the procedure for addressing any unethical behaviour that may be identified.


The International Scientific Committee of the international scientific conference named International Relations 2022: Current Issues of the World Economy and Politics is composed of recognized experts in the field of international economic relations, international political relations, and international law.

The International Scientific Committee serves as the professional guarantor of the conference, ensuring its recognition in the academic community both within Slovakia and beyond. Additionally, the committee plays an important role in addressing and preventing unethical behaviour and malpractices that may occur during the conference.


Kucharčík, Rudolf, doc. PhDr., PhD.

University of Economics in Bratislava (SK)


Brocková, Katarína, Dr. habil. JUDr. Ing., PhD. LL.M

University of Economics in Bratislava (SK)

Burian, Alexandru, prof. Dr.

European University of Moldova (MD)

Čech, Ľubomír, doc. PhDr., CSc.

University of Economics in Bratislava (SK)

Fábián, Attila, prof. Dr., PhD.

University of West Hungary (HU)

Fojtíková, Lenka, prof. Ing., Ph.D.

PRIGO University in Havířov (CZ)

Grešš, Martin, doc. Ing., PhD.

University of Economics in Bratislava (SK)

Haček, Miro, prof., Dr.

University of Ljubljana (SI)

Kurucz, Milan, doc., CSc.

University of Economics in Bratislava (SK)

Lipková, Ľudmila, Dr. h. c. prof. Ing., CSc. 

Alexander Dubček University of Trenčín (SK)

Pálinčák, Mykola, prof., DrSc.

Uzhhorod National University (UA)

Pitoňáková, Renáta, prof. Ing. Mgr., PhD.

University of Economics in Bratislava (SK)

Rončevič, Ante, assoc. prof., Ph.D.

University North, Varaždin (HR)

Turska Kawa, Agnieszka, dr hab., PhD.

University of Silesia in Katowice (PL)

The conference proceedings International Relations: Current Issues of the World Economy and Politics has been annually published by the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava since 2000. The proceedings is the output of an international scientific conference where in-house and foreign experts meet and present knowledge, experience and results of scientific research work. The objective of the conference and the proceedings is to address current issues of the world economy, politics, law and international relations, as well as historical contexts and residues. The conference environment and proceedings serve not only to exchange scientific views and attitudes, but also to agree on cooperation in the field of science and research.

A conference article, which is to become part of the proceedings, can be included in the review process if it is thematically related to one of the thematic areas of the conference.

Conference Topics:

1. Current Issues of the European Union

2. Current Issues of the World Economy

3. Current Issues of International Law

4. Current Issues of International Politics

5. Current Issues of Intercultural Relations

6. Current Issues of International Development Studies

7. Thirty Years of Slovak Foreign Policy and Diplomacy

8. Current Issues of the "New Normal" and China's Changing Position in the World Economy

9. The Global Ecological Crisis, Economic, Political and Legal Context