The Student Parliament of the Faculty of International Relations of the EU in Bratislava (ŠPFMV) is a student organization operating at the FMV EU. Student Parliament members are individual representatives from each year of study at FMV wanting productive and in favor FMV students use their free time. Currently, the Student Parliament with 2-3 representatives from each year of study. The Chairman and Vice-Chairman are also members of the Academic Senate of the EU, and the Chairman of ŠPFMV is also a member of the College of the Dean of FMV, where he defends the interests of students of the Faculty. You can find a list of ŠPFMV members on the web

The main tasks of the student parliament include:

  • representing students in academic bodies,
  • solving problems, comments and suggestions with the faculty management,
  • informing students about events at the faculty and university,
  • organization of student fun / discussion events (Face2Face, Mystery Hunt, Queez),
  • organization of university-wide events (Beánia, Lámavica)
  • distribution of accommodation
  • and many more.

You can contact members of the student parliament at any time you deem appropriate, through a direct visit to parliament during office hours or through social media.

You can reach us during office hours, which you will find on the website in our room D4.44 in the new building.


Student Parliament of the Faculty of International Relations

Chairman: Bc. Katarína Strauszová



Accommodation for students of the 1st and 2nd degree of the Faculty of International Relations of the EUBA from the capacities of student dormitories of the University of Economics in Bratislava is provided by the Student Parliament of the FMV EUBA.


Accommodation of 3rd degree students in student dormitories of the University of Economics in Bratislava is governed by university-wide accommodation procedures.

ZUBRO, Tetyana, Mgr., PhD.

ZUBRO, Tetyana, Mgr., PhD.

Vice-Dean for Education

Assistant Professor

E4.28 +421267295478
FRANKOVIČOVÁ, Tatiana, Dipl. Ing.

FRANKOVIČOVÁ, Tatiana, Dipl. Ing.

vedúca študijného oddelenia

Study administrator

E4.29 +421267295479

Office hours during the academic year:

Monday - 13:00 - 14:30
Tuesday no office hours no office hours
Wednesday 09:00 - 11:30 13:00 - 14:30
Thursday no office hours no office hours
Friday 09:00 - 11:30 -

Office hours during the summer holidays from 1.7 - 31.8.: 

Wednesday: 9:00 - 11:30

Na Fakulte medzinárodných vzťahov sú na jednotlivých stupňoch štúdia v rámci študijného odboru Medzinárodné ekonomické vzťahy akreditované nasledovné študijné programy: 

bakalárske štúdium: Medzinárodné ekonomické vzťahy

inžinierske štúdium: Hospodárska diplomacia

doktorandské štúdium: Medzinárodné ekonomické vzťahy

Študijný poradca pre študentov 1. ročníka I. stupňa štúdia

Ing. Peter Jančovič, PhD.

Konzultačné hodiny: Štvrtok 11:00 – 12:00


Študijný poradca pre študentov 2. a 3. ročníka I. stupňa štúdia

Ing. Mgr. Dorota Harakaľová, PhD.

Konzultačné hodiny: utorok 10:00 – 11:00


Študijný poradca pre študentov II. stupňa štúdia

Ing. Natália Zagoršeková, PhD.

Konzultačné hodiny: Štvrtok  13:00 – 14:00


Študijný poradca pre zahraničných študentov I. a II. stupňa štúdia

Ing. Andrianna Baleha, PhD.

Konzultačné hodiny: štvrtok 08:00 – 09:00

Students have the opportunity to pursue their studies in foreign languages (currently English, German, French) and obtain a double diploma from a foreign university. Learn more at the Department of foreign relations.

Professional traineeships are not a compulsory part of the study at the Faculty of International Relations of the University of Economics in Bratislava. Therefore, participation in a traineeship cannot be considered as a reason for granting a study release.

Offer of professional traineeships for students of FIR UEBA: